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As parents we can faultlessly be blind in not seeing our children as anything but perfectly healthy. 
Zayn never hit his milestones but being a first time mother that didn’t mean much to me. 
As time passed he was almost 2, had zero words and didn’t understand much of what I said. 
We were directed to speech therapy where Zayn was diagnosed with speech, receptive, cognitive delays and a few months later an informal diagnosis of speech apraxia (a speech disorder in which a child's brain has difficulty coordinating with the movement of mouth with sounds). 

Zayn to me was always brilliant, wild, athletic and fun but he almost never made eye contact after age 1, never responded to his name, was easily stressed out, overwhelmed, aggressive and would frequently touch his ears. January this year I came across some YouTube videos on “the truth about vaccines” and went into a 3 month whirlwind of reading study after study, articles, YouTube videos of doctors, journalists, lawyers, children before and after vaccines, Vaccine re-education groups on Facebook, how and why it can effect some children negatively and not others.
After this research my heart began to ache, could I have in any way damaged my own child while trying to protect him? Regardless of the matter I put him on a vaccine/heavy metal detox and changed his diet with Dr Nemechek’s protocol for autism and developmental delays. 
Within a week his eye contact came back, he stopped being aggressive, easily frustrated and overwhelmed. Within a few more weeks he became extremely affectionate, started trying to speak some words (incorrectly) and became deeply connected.

After working with incredible doctors who ran labs to understand his little body I learnt of something called mitochondrial dysfunction (the mitochondria is inside almost every cell in your body, it’s function creates 90% of the energy needed by the body to sustain life and support) I learnt that pre existing mitochondrial dysfunction can be triggered by vaccine ingredients and is very common in autistic children. I also learnt about the MTHFR gene variations, a gene found in 50% of the population (The MTHFR mutation affects everything from the body’s ability to remove toxins all the way to immune function) a gene in which 98% autistic children have. I also learnt that aside from those 2 things Zayn has high levels of mercury (an ingredient now only found in the flu vaccine) which like aluminum, mercury crosses the blood brain barrier, stores in the brain, causes neuroinflammation and effects the wiring during the critical neurodevelopmental phase.

Despite everything I’m so grateful we have the tools to understand our children’s bodily functions, find causes, have professionals risking their careers to get a more truthful understanding out there, have naturopathic doctors to work with us and to have enormous online communities of supportive families to talk amongst.

ZAYN HAS CAME SO FAR! he's improved enormously and is doing so well but we still have a long way to go.

I’m not saying in anyway don’t vaccinate and that it is the sole cause because it’s not, but vaccines as legally and scientifically proven time and time again can certainly aggravate pre existing conditions. 
Most of you will never have this problem. But please, read some or all of vaccine package inserts at your pediatrician and if your child has ANY of the adverse reactions listed, vaccine detox immediately, reach out to the vaccine re-education community and be more careful! You must know what an adverse reaction looks like because your doctor will tell you it is NOT related to the vaccine. If you want any tips for how to prepare your child’s immune system before or after getting vaccines you can do some research online. You can also go to a naturopathic MD pediatrician where they only allow 1 vaccine at a time to allow your babies body to heal. 
Do whatever you like, you’re the parent, the choice and all of it’s consequences will always be yours!
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